Ecstatic Community Immersion
With PJ Weinstein (aka DJ Bonbon Spirit) and Avery Deane Swift
July 19 - 21, 2024
Deepen your connection with self, community, and the great mystery by immersing yourself in ecstatic practices and the soothing hot springs of Breitenbush! Choose your own adventure among daily Ecstatic Dances and a variety of other movement and nourishment sessions. This retreat will occupy the whole Breitenbush property (no personal retreats during the same weekend). Dances & other sessions will be held in the North Wing, on the Front Lawn, and in the River Yurt. Whether you come alone or with companions, the ecstatic community is warm and welcoming—and upholds a culture of consent & attunement.
About the Leaders

PJ Weinstein (aka DJ Bonbon Spirit)
PJ Weinstein (aka DJ Bonbon Spirit) co-founded Ecstatic Dance Corvallis (OR), Ecstatic Dance Fairfax (CA), Amoeba Dance (OR), and has produced over two dozen Ecstatic Dance Immersion retreats at Breitenbush Hot Springs and Harbin Hot Springs. Bonbon Spirit has DJ’d for 600+ ecstatic dance events since 2010.
Learn more about PJ Weinstein (aka DJ Bonbon Spirit)
Avery Deane Swift
Avery Deane Swift is a badass champion of embodiment, erotic liberation, and transformational wellness—and has served in leadership roles for a variety of non-profit organizations committed to changing the world through inclusive sex-positive community and education.
Learn more about Avery Deane SwiftCategory : Event