(Re)Parenting Empowerment Masterclass

With Kim Holman and Meg Judge

May 3 - 6, 2024

Contact: Megan Judge

  • The Grove (1 queen bed) – $1,461.00
  • The Grove (1 full bed + 1 twin bed) – $1,461.00
  • The Grove (1 full bed + twin bunk) – $1,461.00
  • Lodge Room (1 full bed) – $1,226.00
  • Milky Way (1 twin bed) – $1,151.00
  • Milky Way (twin bunk bed) – $1,151.00
  • Mushroom Yurt (2 queen beds) – $1,556.00
  • Forest Shelter (2 queen beds) – $1,616.00
  • Sundial Yurt (2 queen beds) – $1,556.00
  • Bell Hotel (1 queen bed) – $1,421.00
  • The Aviary (1 queen bed) – $1,318.00
  • The Aviary (1 queen + 1 full bed) – $1,318.00
  • Personal Vehicle Site – $1,151.00
  • (All prices include $1,061.00 base amount)

Interested in responding instead of reacting?

Wondering how your childhood affects your life now?

Needing a fresh look on connection with others, especially children or

Participants will dive deep into the topic of reparenting ourselves so we can
interact with others, especially children, in informed and connective ways. We
look at why we react in the ways that we do in difficult situations and we
provide tools to identify those programmed reactions and patterns. When we
can understand the layers associated with our reactions, we can create space
to make different choices and to be intentional in the way we connect. The
information and tools in this masterclass offer a different perspective of
parenting and teaching children from the lens of awareness and human
development. This includes the reparenting we do with ourselves internally.

Included in the masterclass are reflection activities and times of integration.
Some of the themes we address are:

  • connection
  • child development
  • self-regulation
  • listening and communication techniques

This masterclass is multigenerational. It is relevant to anyone who desires to
unpack their experiences and belief systems in order to strengthen
relationship with:

  • Self
  • Children
  • Grandchildren
  • Adult children

About the Leaders

Kim Holman

Kim Holman has been a licensed massage therapist for over 30 years. During that time, she has taken a variety of classes educating her on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of humans and how these energetic bodies are interconnected with each other and affect the physical body. Kim uses information she learned in […]

Learn more about Kim Holman

Meg Judge

Meg Judge is mom to two young children and has a deep passion for helping people reflect and grow into the best version of themselves. She has experience with supporting all ages in determining life paths, deconstructing difficult situations and moving people in positive, productive directions. She has taught preschoolers, elementary school students, teenagers and […]

Learn more about Meg Judge

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