Robert Beatty Mindfulness Meditation
With Robert Beatty
June 25 - 30, 2024
You can successfully meditate. People “fail” at meditation mostly because of some simple misunderstandings. Love, mindfulness, and self-compassion are yours to bring into being. Come experience healing insights and shed the limiting beliefs and trauma that keep you from waking up and living fully.
A meditation retreat with Robert can be a transformative experience that positively impacts the rest of your life. Robert creates an environment in which people feel safe, validated, and supported. After just a day or two, people experience love, compassion, and safety that allows both beginners and advanced meditators to access deeper dimensions of themselves than ever before. Come explore what mindfulness can reveal – through focused practice with a skillful teacher, in the context of a caring community.
There will be Dharma instruction, guided meditations, and individual meetings. In addition to sitting, walking, and movement meditations, you will be invited to use every moment of your days to cultivate a loving, compassionate and mindful presence. The retreat will occur in noble silence.
You can find testimonials and more details about Robert’s retreats at
Following ancient Buddhist tradition there is no charge for the teachings on the retreat. At the end you will have an opportunity to offer Dana to support the teaching.
About the Leader
Robert Beatty
Robert Beatty is a member of the first wave of Theravada Buddhist teachers who brought Mindfulness from Asia in the 1970s. He is the founder and guiding teacher of the Portland Insight Meditation Community. For forty years he has created a synthesis of Buddhist practices and Western psychotherapy to help people live happier, more loving […]
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