Brennon Moore

Brennon Moore is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) with his masters degree (MS) in mental health counseling; he is a Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC-II), and a Nationally Certified Trauma Therapist (CTT). Brennon has been specializing in trauma, attachment wounding, and addiction recovery for over a decade in both a residential and outpatient setting. His interest in trauma healing began in academia while studying experiential and gestalt approaches to treating trauma at The University of Cork in Ireland, and several months working as a counselor with traumatized children in the Middle East during his graduate studies. Brennon is a Western Psychological Association research award winner in outstanding research design in health Psychology for his exploration of opiate addiction, pain perception and perceived control, a trainer and educator in the field of trauma and addiction, winning the “Fan Favorite Award” at the 2015 Foundations Innovations in Recovery conference, and has been a keynote speaker at numerous conferences in the behavioral healthcare field with a focus on addiction and sexual trauma recovery for men. Brennon is an advanced EMDR practitioner, a certified trauma focused Introspective breathwork facilitator, a clinical hypnosis practitioner, a trained DBT and mindfulness practitioner, and he is trained in Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing and other body based modalities.

Brennon leads trauma healing retreats and parent workshops, private intensives, retreats for mental health practitioners, and he continues to speak and educate direct care staff on the subjects of childhood trauma, attachment, and addictive disorders. In January of 2017 his first book was released, “Finding a New Tribe: Helping Young Men Recover from Childhood Sexual Abuse and Addiction”. In May of 2018 Brennon fulfilled his biggest professional dream and opened Skyline Recovery with his two closest friends.